Find the support you need for dementia care in the Brisbane North and Moreton Bay region.
Information and services available to carers of people with dementia in the Brisbane North and Moreton Bay region.
Information for health workers and their patients with dementia
Learn about dementia
Your Care Navigator is an online guide to dementia supports, services and resources in the North Brisbane and Moreton Bay region.
Services providing dementia home care, allowing people to remain living independently in their own homes
General health resources, information and advisory services for people with dementia
Emotional support services, counselling and helplines for people living with dementia
Activities and programs to keep people with dementia moving and healthy
Information about how dementia can impact your senses and the support that is available to you in the Brisbane North and Moreton Bay regions
Safety measures you can put in place to help you live in the comfort of your own home for longer
Supportive devices and technologies that help people with dementia function day to day
Transport services that are available for people with dementia in the Brisbane North and Moreton Bay region
Find respite services for people with dementia and their carers near you.
Retirement, aged care and other living facilities available for people living with dementia in the Brisbane North and Moreton Bay region
General advice for managing finances while living with dementia
A guide for planning for the future after receiving a dementia diagnosis, including making decisions about future health care, finances and legal matters
Dementia describes a collection of symptoms that are caused by disorders affecting the brain. It isn't one specific disease.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are at a higher risk of developing dementia than non-Indigenous Australians.
Find resources to help you navigate aged care services in Australia.
Younger onset dementia is any form of dementia diagnosed in people under the aged of 65. If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with younger onset dementia, you can access information and support here.
Research offers us hope. It is through research that we can understand what causes dementia, develop effective treatments, improve care and hopefully one day find a cure.
Service navigation quicklinks for health professionals and specialists involved in dementia care.
Advocacy services for people with dementia and their carers.
Referral and care pathway options for patients with dementia in Australia.
Dementia assessments, cognitive tests and other resources for health professionals providing dementia care.
Information about advocacy services for health workers and their patients with dementia.
Find urgent help or access immediate support for you or someone else.
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The protection of your personal information is something we take very seriously.
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Reach out to us if you have feedback or queries.
Read some common questions and answers about living with dementia, made in collaboration with health workers, people with dementia, families and carers.
Understanding dementia and its causes, signs and symptoms.
Emotional support services for carers of dementia patients, including counselling and support groups.
Dementia can lead to behaviour changes. You can access resources here to help you manage behaviours of concern and personality changes.
Find respite services for people with dementia and their carers near you.
Payment options and financial advice for dementia carers.
A guide for planning for the future after receiving a dementia diagnosis, including making decisions about future health care, finances and legal matters.
Resources for people with dementia and their carers to help prepare for hospital visits and stays.
Find the support you need for dementia care in the Brisbane North and Moreton Bay region.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are at a higher risk of developing dementia than non-Indigenous Australians.
If you live outside of these areas there are a number of service directories and supports available to help find services to support you.
Information, services and resources to keep you active and healthy
We identified the following key needs for healthy ageing: physical health, mental health, social connection, nutrition, digital skills and dementia care.
Information, services and resources to support you with general and specific mental health and wellbeing needs
Community programs and resources to keep you socially engaged
Information, programs and resources to help you look after your nutrition, and prepare and eat healthy, happy foods
Resources supporting you to stay up to date with the technology that will help you navigate services and stay connected
Information, services and resources to support your mental health and wellbeing
Information, services and resources to support your mental health and wellbeing
The purpose of this website is to direct older people to services and organisations that support healthy living and ageing.
Information, services and resources providing support for people living with dementia, their carers and their health professionals.
This website has very useful information for specific needs, but also has essential information for everyone.
There are plenty of alternative options for getting around so you can stay safe and not worry about driving and parking.
Find respite services for older people and their carers near you.
Younger onset dementia is any form of dementia diagnosed in people under the aged of 65. If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with younger onset dementia, you can access information and support here.
There are many organisations providing mental health and wellbeing support services you can access online, over the phone or face-to-face.
This is a great place to find free and subsidised community and social groups across Brisbane that can help you stay socially connected.
Here are some resources to help you navigate and understand what services are covered by Medicare.
The following organisations have produced resources that are culturally safe and specific to the mental health needs of First Nations peoples.
These organisations have produced resources to support you in accessing physical, mental and social health services in spite of cultural and language barriers.
Here are some resources to help you navigate and understand what services are covered by Medicare.
Respite is temporary care provided by organisations to people living at home with care needs.
A resource for any person, of any age, impacted by any form of dementia. Learn about dementia and the treatments, support and services available.
Read this guide to understanding memory loss and early signs of dementia.
This help sheet provides information about the early signs of dementia, the techniques used to diagnose dementia and the importance of an early and correct diagnosis.
A resource outlining the different types of dementia and what they might mean for you.
Information about Alzheimer’s disease, the most common form of dementia.
Information about vascular dementia, which is widely considered the second most common cause of dementia.
Information about Lewy body dementia (LBD), a type of progressive dementia.
Essential resources for awareness, diagnosis and management of frontotemporal dementia.
Information about Huntington’s disease (HD), a genetic neurodegenerative disease and a type of dementia.
Information about Parkinson's disease, a progressive neurological condition characterised by movement and no-movement symptoms.
A website inspiring people with dementia to live a high quality life.
A selection of dementia related library books and information you can borrow or view as an ebook.
Free online dementia courses, tailored training, workshops, and events.
This centre is at the forefront of translational research and support for people with dementia and their carers. You can access free and paid courses online.
A centre providing a range of nationally accredited courses and award-winning professional dementia education.
This website is full of colourful, interactive and age-appropriate content for children and teenagers who know someone with dementia.
A booklet about dementia for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community members.
A search tool to find a doctor near you. Search by location, price and area of focus.
How to access Home Support services if you or a loved one is over the age of 50 years old
A helpline, staffed by clinical nurses, available to health professionals for advice and information about health and community services throughout the North Brisbane and Moreton Bay Regional Council regions. Operates Monday to Friday, 8am–4pm.
A national resource for GPs, specialists and health professionals on aged care services.
An Australian government service that provides a starting point to access government-funded aged care services for people over 65 or for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people over 50.
An Australian government service that provides financial support to people under the age of 65 with a permanent and significant disability. This may include younger onset dementia.
A free phone and in-home service delivered by clinical nurses for people over 18 with chronic health conditions. It supports people to remain living at home by improving their self-management and quality of life.
A platform where you can access health pathways to guide patient care during a consultation. There are several dementia-specific pathways including information about Metro North Health memory clinics.
A national peak body and charity for people living with dementia, their families and carers. Free services include the National Dementia Helpline, the Younger Onset Dementia Key Worker Program for people under 65 with dementia, support groups and counselling.
A national free mobile service that offers the Dementia Behaviour Management Advisory Service (DBMAS) and Severe Behaviour Response Teams (SBRT). This service supports staff and carers in community, acute and residential aged care who are caring for people with dementia experiencing severe behavioural or psychological symptoms.
Metro North Health memory clinics diagnose, treat and support adults experiencing memory and behavioural changes, cognitive decline and possible dementia. There are four memory clinics in the region: Caboolture Hospital, Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital, The Prince Charles Hospital and Redcliffe Hospital.
These short guides provide information for GPs and consumers about what can and should happen once dementia is diagnosed.
A service that can help arrange respite in an emergency. They can also talk to you about local respite and activities that may be available for your patient.
Up-to-date NDIS information for health professionals—specifically the NDIS patient information booklet, NDIS general practice toolkit and NDIS GP appointment checklist.
Peer-led support and referral service helpline for navigating NDIS and speaking to your patient about their needs.
Consumer service information for younger people living with dementia.
A validated cognitive screening tool for older Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians living in rural and remote areas.
A tool that connects care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people transitioning from hospital to primary healthcare and into the community.
A program that provides flexible, culturally appropriate aged care to older Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. This service provider delivers a mix of residential and home care services, mainly in rural and remote areas.
A search tool providing information about dementia among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. It includes a collection of publications, resources, programs for patients to be involved in and organisations related to dementia.
Consumer service information for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people living with dementia.
A short cognitive screening instrument designed to minimise the effects of cultural learning and language diversity on the assessment of baseline cognitive performance.
Fact sheets and dementia resources to support people living with dementia translated into different languages.
All GPs and specialists in private practice have access to free interpreters for all Medicare-eligible consultations. Register to receive an individual code so that you can access these free interpreting services with TIS National.
Resources and localised referral guide information for health professionals working with refugees.
A database of research on ageing in people from CALD backgrounds. Dementia is one of the topics.
A not-for-profit community organisation that provides individual advocacy and support for people from CALD backgrounds seeking to engage with NDIS and to achieve supports. It operates in the Brisbane North and Moreton Bay region.
A resource that highlights the importance of early assessment for cognitive impairment and dementia.
The assessment tool generates a report suggesting where people can make changes to reduce their risk of Alzheimer’s disease.
Resources that support people living with dementia, including help sheets, toolkits, guides, videos, websites, apps, brochures and infographics.
The most widely used cognitive assessment tool currently available. It's free and it takes 10–15 minutes to administer.
A quick screening tool for cognitive impairment. It has been designed for GPs, primary care physicians, and family doctors.
A short cognitive screening instrument designed to minimise the effects of cultural learning and language diversity on the assessment of baseline cognitive performance.
Dementia management plans that assist GPs in developing individualised care plans for people living through each stage of dementia. Register for a free account to access plans.
A cognitive impairment tool kit that gives guidance on best practice patient care, which can be accessed by Metro North Health employees.
A variety of dementia tools and printable resources that you can use at your workplace by registering for a free account.
RACGP's flagship clinical resource which outlines the medical care of older persons in residential aged care facilities, commonly known as the Silver Book.
National clinical guidelines for the care of people with dementia that provides health professionals and carers in all health settings with access to recommendations reflecting current evidence on best practice dementia care.
A program to help you make simple changes to support people living with dementia in your organisation or business. You can become listed as a dementia-friendly organisation.
An app to guide your assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of buildings used to accommodate people with dementia.
A Dementia Australia consultant can conduct an audit of your built environment for a person living with dementia and provide a report with recommendations for improvements.
A range of dementia education, resources and events for the Australian workforce to improve the care and wellbeing of people living with dementia.
A centre at the forefront of research and support for people with dementia and their carers. You can access free and paid courses online.
An organisation providing training and resources to Australian primary health care nurses about the timely diagnosis of dementia.
A palliative care evidence and practice information resource for the Australian aged care sector. It also has fact sheets and information with self-care tips for residential staff and nurses working in palliative care.
LifeWorks provide a self-care program that supports GPs and other health professionals to care for their own physical, mental, emotional and social health. Operates Monday to Friday, 8.30am–6pm.
A resource providing information and individual advocacy support to people who experience challenges in the aged care system in the Brisbane North and Moreton Bay region.
A network of passionate, young professionals working across disciplines and borders to develop innovative dementia solutions.
News website sharing the latest dementia research and funding information.
Quarterly newsletters from the UQ Ageing Mind Initiative that provide a summary of: ageing-related research projects that are currently seeking participants; ageing-related events; and research updates.
A search tool to find specific information on dementia trials.
A network working together for dementia prevention, treatment and care and offers the Australian Dementia Network Screening and Trials program. Patients can be referred for a free diagnostic assessment of Alzheimer's with results and recommendations provided to the referring doctor.
A 10-year plan to put people living with dementia, their families, and carers at the centre of all action on dementia.
Information about urgent dementia support advice and health information lines.
Dementia Australia provide a free 24/7 telephone service providing information and advice to people living with dementia, carers, and health and aged care workers. This service also provides emotional support and can connect you to community services and programs.
Ozcare provides a free service funded by the Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP). It can assist you in navigating the aged care system. They can visit your home or work with you via telephone.
A free 24/7 telephone helpline staffed by health professionals. Alzheimer’s Queensland also offers respite services, support groups and a dementia secure unit.
The Dementia Behaviour Management Advisory Service (DBMAS) provides 24-hours, 7 days a week phone and mobile clinical support and assistance for anyone caring for someone whose behaviour is having an impact on their care. The DBMAS supports the carer and care recipient and is available in all regions of Queensland.
A website where you can find a GP or health service in your area. You can search by suburb, practice type or procedure required.
A confidential 24/7 phone service that provides health advice from a registered nurse for the cost of a local call. In the case of a major injury, chest pain or a life-threatening illness, call 000 or go to a hospital emergency department immediately.
A telephone line through which you can access a home visiting GP or after hours GP clinic. You can also speak to a registered nurse who can provide health advice and information. Operates Monday to Friday, 11pm–7.30am, Saturday from 6pm and all day Sunday.
An information sheet providing an overview of types of health professionals (including allied health professionals) that support people living with dementia.
A guide talking about about how you can improve your life by talking to and working with allied health professionals.
A website where you can find allied health professionals in your area. You can search by suburb and type of health service.
A website containing information about nutrition and staying healthy while living with dementia.
A search tool to help you find dietitians. Type your suburb in the search box to find dietitians near you.
A search tool to help you find dentists. Type your suburb in the search box to find dentists near you.
A scheme that provides free dental care to eligible adults. This includes appointments for check-ups, preventive care, fillings, toothaches and emergencies. Oral health clinics are located in Redcliffe, Caboolture, Stafford, Indooroopilly, Pine Rivers, Sandgate and Herston.
A help sheet providing information and tips on approaching dental care following a dementia diagnosis.
A help sheet providing information about appropriate assessment and management of pain in people with dementia. People with dementia may be less able to communicate to their carer/s that they're in pain, reducing their quality of life. This can be avoided when carer/s, family and friends know to look for non-verbal signs of pain so they can provide adequate treatment, as outlined in this help sheet.
A mobile phone application (app) that helps people who are unable to verbalise their pain. It can be used by professional carers in residential aged care facilities or home care to assess and manage your pain. It has been clinically demonstrated to help patients with moderate to severe dementia better identify and manage their discomfort.
A tool for health professionals to use when assessing pain in people with dementia if they're unable to verbalise what they're experiencing.
A booklet written to help people living with dementia and their families understand their legal rights and responsibilities in relation to health and finances.
A guide providing information about advanced care planning and why you should plan ahead.
A link to useful resources offering advice and suggestions for starting a conversation with your family, friends and doctors about what matters most to you in the future.
A website outlining step-by-step instructions to help you plan ahead, including advanced planning resources and advisory services. Operates Monday to Friday, 9am–5pm.
A free state-wide program that assists Queenslanders in planning and sharing their healthcare preferences. You can download and complete the advance care planning documents and send them to the Office of Advance Care Planning to be uploaded to your Queensland Health electronic hospital record (the Viewer).
The form used in Queensland to complete your directions about your future health needs.
A simple fact sheet answering common questions about the Enduring Power of Attorney.
Comprehensive guides and forms for completing the Enduring Power of Attorney. It steps you through the questions and provides useful information, practical examples and tips.
Online information and free phone service to support you with will preparation, power of attorney, enduring guardianship, and storage of wills.
Queensland Law Society provide online information and can connect you with a solicitor who can prepare your will for a fee. Solicitors are qualified legal practitioners who can advise you about the options available to you and guide you through the process of making a will. Operates Monday to Friday, 8:30am–5pm.
Online information that provides accurate and practical information to assist you in navigating the challenging legal issues that can arise with end of life decision-making.
These centres provide free legal advice for your situation either by phone or face-to-face. Centres are located in Brisbane North, Pine River and Moreton Bay.
A website where you can make applications regarding guardianship, administration, capacity and attorneys.
A document providing information about accessing superannuation if you're living with dementia.
Online tips to help you plan ahead to protect you and your money.
A free, confidential and independent financial advice service you can contact if you're in financial distress, to help manage your finances and any debt you may have.
A phone and online support service operated by health professionals to provide information and support for people with a life-limiting illness and their family and carers. The staff can refer to other services, including the PalAssist Counselling Service. Operates Monday to Sunday, 7am–7pm.
An online training course developing community awareness, death literacy and community capacity related to palliative care by providing high quality and easy-to-understand courses.
Online resources to support people caring for someone approaching the end of their life.
A guide for people and carers working with palliative care teams and common questions you can ask.
A palliative care knowledge network providing information for patients, carers and health professionals.
A directory providing information on service type, location, hours of services and contact details for all palliative care organisations in Queensland.
24/7 caring and palliative care services.
24/7 caring and palliative care services.
Community based specialist service offering in home support.
Inpatient unit and ward-based consult liaison service.
In-reach medical consultancy.
An information sheet addressing safety concerns and providing suggestions to reduce risk.
Guidance and recommendations for utilising assistive technology at home and in general in your everyday life.
A free information service available to anyone needing advice on assistive technology solutions, home modifications and design ideas.
A company that sells a range of dementia care products that promote safety in the home. It's NDIS registered and a DVA provider and it has delivery options and a price match guarantee.
A company specialised in dementia care equipment, located in Morayfield and Virginia.
A company specialised in mobility and assistive aids, located in Deception Bay.
An online store providing a variety of goods that improve the quality of life for people living with dementia.
Information on dementia-friendly signage and downloads for you to print and use around the home and other environments.
Strengths-based dementia-enabling design solutions for safety, wayfinding, reminiscence and wellbeing including murals and door wraps.
A form allowing you to register with Queensland Police Service so they are aware of your dementia diagnosis and primary contact details in the event of an emergency.
A company providing engraved medical jewellery and accessories that communicate vital medical and emergency information.
A website where you you can register to join MedicAlert and purchase a piece of jewellery to wear around your neck or wrist. The MedicAlert ID equipment communicates your crucial health information to health professionals. You can receive reduced costs with NDIS, Veteran Card Holders and Seniors Cards.
A service providing free daily phone call checks at a time that suits you. If the call isn't answered, an agreed emergency procedure will be activated.
A Queensland-wide telephone reassurance service that improves social connections and provides security calls, respite and friendship calls. Eligible clients can access subsidised community calls through the Commonwealth Home Support Programme or with an annual fee.
Information and guidance on planning for emergencies.
A search tool to help you find occupational therapists by suburb or area of practice.
A fact sheet with information on dementia and sight, explaining strategies and practical tips for supporting someone living with dementia if they are having difficulties with their sight.
A search tool to help you find optometrists. Type your suburb in the search box to find optometrists near you.
This program provides eligible Queensland residents with a pair of basic prescription spectacles, once every 2 years.
Eligible Queenslanders can apply for the Vision Impairment Travel Pass, allowing free travel on all TransLink services (excluding Airtrain) and regional connect bus services.
A website with information about delusions and hallucinations caused by dementia.
An information sheet explaining the relationship between hearing loss, dementia and ageing, with advice on getting support.
A search tool to help you find audiologists by suburb or area of practice.
An organisation that visits eligible clients in the community and at residential aged care facilities to provide hearing assessments and entry-level hearing aids.
Information on the scheme that provides specialised smoke alarms to people with hearing impairments. The smoke alarm alerts the resident to a fire hazard through sight (flashing light) and feel (vibrating pad) so they can evacuate safely.
A search tool to help you find speech pathologists. Type your suburb in the search box to find speech pathologists near you.
An information sheet on the different types of supportive aids and how they can help you throughout your dementia journey, by supporting your independence and reducing the risk of dangerous situations.
LifeTec offer free information and advice about assistive technology. Qualified allied health professionals provide a needs assessment to find out if appropriate assistive technology can help you. You may be eligible to access subsidies or funding through various schemes to pay for the assistive technology.
A Queensland Health program that provides subsidised medical aids for eligible Queenslanders who have a permanent and stabilised condition or disability. Access to the program requires a health professional to make the application on your behalf.
A digital noticeboard that enables independence and reduces carer overwhelm. Membo Noticeboard displays appointments and information on tablets & mobile phones. Information can be updated in real time by multiple people, including family and support teams, from all devices. The cost can be subsidised through government funded Home Care Programs.
HomeGuardian provides an artificial intelligence assistive technology device that provides 24/7 proactive care in fall and incident detection. There are various types of funding available to eligible people through government-funded aged care and disability programs.
Bolton Clarke InTouch is a simple all-in-one home alert system that helps families stay connected and promotes independence. There are various types of funding available if you're eligible.
Alzheimer’s WA have compiled a list of dementia-friendly assistive technology (and where to find them) to help support independence, reduce carer stress and lessen risk of accidents.
This is a digital tool that helps people who are unable to verbalise their pain. It is designed for use via a mobile phone application by professional carers in residential aged care facilities and home care to assess and manage the pain of people with dementia. It has been clinically demonstrated to help patients with moderate to severe dementia better identify and manage their discomfort.
The AbiSensor is an assistive technology device that provides falls and incident detection.
A free online tool that enables you to create a personalised and practical information kit that will support navigating a dementia diagnosis.
A factsheet on dementia and driving.
This video provides an overview of driving with dementia, alternative transport options and staying independent.
A search tool to locate occupational therapists near you with a specialisation in driving. Select 'driving' in the 'area of practice' drop-down and type your suburb in the search box to find occupational therapists near you.
Advice on how to have tough conversations about driving and when to stop. It includes a downloadable handbook and an online course with practical tips.
CarFreeMe has been designed to help older adults and people with health conditions stop driving without limiting their life and freedom.
A program that provides information about travelling safely at Brisbane Airport and enrolling for the Hidden Disabilities program. This involves wearing a 'Sunflower Lanyard' which staff will recognise as an indication of a hidden disability.
A guide with information related to health issues and driving, a self-test warning signs quiz and details for alternative transport arrangements.
You must notify the Queensland Government about any medical condition that is likely to adversely affect your ability to drive safely. Reportable medical conditions include dementia and eye or vision problems.
Information on the Council Cab Service for eligible people over the age of 60. This service operates in most Brisbane City Council suburbs and will transport you from your home to your local shopping centre and back at a minimal cost.
A program in Queensland that provides door-to-door transport support to assist eligible people under 65 who have trouble accessing transport.
A government-funded scheme providing financial support for transport services. The support you can receive varies depending on your eligibility and needs.
Programs designed to develop, maintain and support social interaction, independent living, health and wellbeing. The services can be funded through Home Care Packages, the Commonwealth Housing Support Program, NDIS or Queensland Community Support Services.
Information about financial assistance for eligible patients to access specialist medical services not available locally.
Information on the different types of concession fares on public transport in Queensland (including for seniors, pensioners, veterans and people with accessibility challenges).
Information on applying for the Taxi Subsidy Scheme to receive subsidised taxi trips for people with with severe disabilities.
Information about disability parking permits and how to apply.
Information on subsidised bus and coach services in regional Queensland. There are services in Kilcoy to Caboolture.
Click below to access our information on driving safely with dementia.
This website provides information on referral and support options, including the Living with Dementia program. This is a group program for people living with younger onset dementia and their support person to meet and talk with others in a similar situation.
A range of online and print resources to make it easier for you to understand and engage with the NDIS.
Online information that explains the support and services available, and how to apply for the support scheme.
Useful information and resources for starting your journey with My Aged Care.
An easy-to-read guide on how to access the Commonwealth Home Support Programme.
An easy-to-read guide on accessing Home Care Packages.
A search tool you can use to find MAC services that are available in your area.
A list of local community organisations in your region that can support you at home.
A resource outlining aged care costs, where you can use the simple cost estimate feature.
A worksheet about residential aged care service costs that you can print and fill in with a financial advisor.
Information that provides advice and directs you to where you can view your My Aged Care account and manage your services.
An organisation providing free information about aged care services to help you navigate your journey. In some cases, intensive support navigators can offer one-on-one assistance.
A free and independent service providing reliable information to help you navigate the system in selected locations.
A site providing easy access to My Aged Care brochures, forms, checklists and other documents.
Information for health professionals about navigating the aged care system. Health workers act as an important link for patients in finding aged care to meet their needs.
An explanation of the benefits and possible risks included in being involved in a clinical trial.
A group of leading Australian researchers and clinicians who complete research on dementia prevention, screening, treatment and care.
A research participation and engagement service—a 'one-stop-shop' that connects individuals with researchers conducting studies into dementia prevention, diagnosis, treatment, care and cure.
A foundation that offers a variety of research opportunities in which people with dementia can participate.
A centre that focuses on research for dementia, including new technologies, treatment and prevention.
A research group focused on understanding and managing conditions that affect brain functioning and behaviour such as normal development and ageing, dementia and other conditions.
Understanding and learning about dementia and the type of dementia that a person you care for may have can help you provide better care.
National online and phone service providing practical information, counselling and resources to support carers. Operates Monday to Friday, 8am–6pm.
A service providing support for people with dementia through a number of free specific counselling services and therapy programs.
A pathway for your GP to refer you to mental health professionals, such as psychologists and social workers, that allows you to access Medicare rebates for up to 10 appointments in a calendar year. Costs for the care plan depends on your GP’s billing schedule.
A website and telephone service connecting you to mental health support services and resources in the North Brisbane and Moreton Bay region. Operates Monday to Friday, 8.30am–5pm.
A search tool to help you find registered counsellors. Type your suburb in the search box to find counsellors near you.
A free, face-to-face service that connects carers with coaches to assist in managing the ongoing challenges of the caring role. This program is individualised to support the differing needs of carers.
A phone service that connects you with a coach to assist in creating a plan based on your life goals. They also offer training, education, volunteering and employment services at no cost.
An organisation offering respite and emergency respite accommodation, and providing unique wellness programs to support the emotional, physical and mental wellbeing of unpaid carers. It's located in Samford Valley.
A free confidential phone-based personal health coaching service that supports you to make healthy lifestyle choices. Operates Monday to Friday, 8am–8pm.
Online, telephone and face-to-face support groups for carers of people living with dementia. You can also join specialist groups, such as for those caring for a person with frontotemporal dementia.
Brisbane North Carer Supports Program occurs fortnightly on Wednesday mornings from 9:30-11:30am, held at 2 Palmer Street, Windsor and bookings are essential. To register to attend the Brisbane North group, please contact the centre on (07) 3857 2191.
A place where people with dementia and carers can be themselves, share stories, discover helpful hints or simply enjoy the food and great company.
Dementia Support Australia offers 24/7 in-home support for carers when the person living with dementia is experiencing behaviours and psychological changes that are affecting their care.
Alzheimer's Queensland dementia workshops designed to arm service providers and carers with knowledge about dementia and how it can impact lifestyles, functional abilities and behaviours.
A practical book that guides people with dementia and carers and contains more than 280 tips.
The extensive collection covering all aspects of dementia as well as an eLibrary and library guides (online microsites containing access to a range of curated resources including books, videos, and Dementia Australia publications.)
A free online tool where you can create a personalised and practical information kit to support you in navigating a dementia diagnosis.
The Dementia Centre includes booklets and tips for carers with a focus on managing changing behaviours.
Dementia Australia provides a range of information and resources along with online and face-to-face education sessions.
The Alzheimer's Society provides advice to carers for when a person living with dementia refuses care or denies their diagnosis.
Home Instead provides tips and advice to carers and family members to help people overcome their resistance to in-home care and support.
Information on accessing the Carer Allowance, Carer Supplement and Carer Payment. Terms and eligibility criteria apply.
Information on accessing this service for support in your caring role. You can either access one-off assistance of up to $1500 to purchase small asset goods that will assist you in further education, or you can access a package, which includes a variety of assistance valued at $3000 over a 12-month period. Terms and eligibility criteria apply.
Companion Card holders receive a second ‘companion' ticket at no charge at participating venues and on public transport. Terms and eligibility criteria apply.
Information on the Queensland Government's Caregiver Business Discount Card, which supports caregivers by offering discounts on goods and services to participating businesses in Queensland. Terms and eligibility criteria apply.
A page that connects you to more information about financial services available for a person living with dementia.
A downloadable emergency care plan you can complete to ensure a secondary carer can access important information about the person living with dementia.
A downloadable document to assist you in capturing important information about the person you care for, in preparation for a trip to hospital. Give the passport to hospital staff on arrival to assist the nurses and doctors in providing care.
A tip sheet providing information to make a hospital admission easier for you and for the person with dementia.
A not-for-profit advocacy and education service supporting and improving the wellbeing of older people and people living with disabilities.
A peak body organisation representing unpaid family and community carers who offer a guardianship and advocacy program. This program can help you navigate legal and administrative systems.
A guide on making complaints against aged care service providers.
The Queensland Elder Abuse Helpline is a confidential service providing information, support and referral for anyone experiencing or witnessing elder abuse.
An advocates program from Dementia Australia you can join to raise awareness of dementia, tackle stigma and discrimination, and influence decision-makers across government and the aged care and disability sectors.
A community facebook page with information on connecting into the Moreton Bay Dementia Alliance. The group meets monthly and aims to make Moreton Bay dementia friendly by raising community awareness of dementia, education and support.
An event page by Dementia Australia where you can explore fundraising and information events near you.
A telephone and webchat service that offers advice, support and counselling for people with dementia, their carers, family and friends. Operates Monday to Friday, 8am–8pm.
Dementia Australia offers free, confidential, professional counselling for individuals, families, couples and professional carers at all stages of a dementia journey.
Support provided by qualified health professionals at Alzheimer’s Queensland over an extended period to facilitate better understanding of dementia, symptoms management and care system navigation.
Information on connecting into the Dementia Alliance International peer-to-peer support groups. A group of people with dementia diagnoses discuss their experiences and strategies for coping and living positively. These free online support groups are ideal for those who can't get to a local support group or who live in isolated areas.
Information on the emotional affects of a dementia diagnosis. This guide provides tips on coping after receiving the diagnosis and taking steps to gain acceptance and maintain your quality of life for longer.
Information about the mental healthcare you can access under Medicare including how to make a mental health treatment plan with your GP so you can receive Medicare rebates for a certain number of your allied health appointments.
A social support group and centre-based respite for people aged over 65 years living in the North Brisbane area. Operates Monday to Friday, 8am–4pm.
A supportive, friendly environment for seniors and adults with a disability. Ozcare provides additional support to people living with dementia, including extended hours (evenings and weekends) for carers looking to pursue work or study. This program is funded by Queensland Health to support working carers.
Encircle Neighbourhood Centres provide referral and support services, counselling, training, workshops, small adult group activities and legal services. They host regular free activities including a monthly morning tea.
Encircle Neighbourhood Centres provide referral and support services, counselling, training, workshops, small adult group activities and legal services. They host regular free activities including a monthly morning tea.
Encircle Neighbourhood Centres provide referral and support services, counselling, training, workshops, small adult group activities and legal services. They host regular free activities including a monthly morning tea.
Centres that provide activities and social connections for CALD people. The centre provides group-based activities promoting physical exercises, cognitive stimulation and emotional wellbeing. This service is available through aged care funding. 'Sunshine' cognitive/dementia groups run 3 days per week on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday at Stafford.
A network that hosts group meetings for older women for social connection and support.
A network that hosts group meetings for older women for social connection and support.
Weekly social activities delivered at the New Farm Neighbourhood Centre that are free for people over 65 receiving My Aged Care services.
Community centres have a combination of social activities, events and services for you. This website shows the closest community centre to you.
Volunteering is a way to socialise, keep your brain active and contribute to common good. This search tool allows you to find volunteer opportunities near you.
A website that shows you how to register to volunteer with Dementia Australia.
An advocacy program for people with lived experience who want to raise awareness, tackle stigma and discrimination and influence decision-makers.
A search tool to help you find music therapists. Type your suburb in the search box to find music therapists near you.
A free service for carers of people living with dementia. The carer support groups run over a 10-week period, with half-day morning teas and guest speakers.
A search tool to help you find qualified social workers. Type your suburb in the search box to find social workers near you.
A Services Australia phone line where you can talk for free to social workers who provide counselling, information and referrals to other services. Interpreter services are available.
A fact sheet outlining the benefits physical exercise offers to people living with dementia and their carers.
A simple, support worker-led in-home exercise program designed for older people who want to regain the strength and confidence to keep active and independent. A support worker will assess you and lead you through the exercise program in your own home. These services are available for people who are eligible for aged care funding.
An online fee-based learning portal with modules and courses on leading and delivering exercise for those supporting wellbeing in the community. Many modules focus on delivering exercise for older people and the portal includes a free module for falls prevention.
Active and healthy classes and workshops ideal for seniors in the community. You can be active at free or low-cost fitness classes such as yoga, tai chi, group bike rides, Zumba, boxing or even aqua aerobics.
Information and resources to enable and encourage seniors to participate in outdoor and recreation activities in the Brisbane region.
A community hub with a variety of services and activities that promote healthy living. Locals host daily classes and events ranging from tai chi to group walks and art classes. The weekly event schedule is available on their website, as well as information on how to join the activities.
A program assisting older adults in developing and managing healthy ageing in their own communities. The program's objectives are to boost understanding of healthy living and strengthen links in the community.
A program offering a variety of physical, social and intellectual activities to help older people interact with others and develop interests.
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A clinic offering exercise physiology, individualised programs, group exercise sessions, specialised programs, massage therapy, physiotherapy, hydrotherapy and free educational sessions.
A search tool to help you find exercise physiologists. Type your suburb in the search box to find exercise physiologists near you.
A tool to help you to find exercise physiologists offering subsidised Better Ageing Classes at selected locations around Queensland.
A search tool to help you find podiatrists. Type your suburb in the search box to find podiatrists near you.
A not-for-profit provider of home care services.
A home care service operated by registered nurses.
A not-for-profit dementia expert provider for community support services and residential aged care.
A home care provider with specialised training and experience in caring for people living with dementia and chronic illness.
A not-for-profit provider of home care services.
A not-for-profit provider of home care services.
A provider of a number of services for people at home as well as operating residential aged care facilities.
A provider of aged care residential services.
A not-for-profit provider of home care services and residential aged care.
A not-for-profit provider of home care services.
A not-for-profit provider of home care services that operates a number of residential aged care facilities.
A not-for-profit provider of home care services.
A not-for-profit provider of home care services.
A not-for-profit provider of home care services.
A not-for-profit provider of home care services.
A not-for-profit community organisation of home care services.
A non-for-profit provider of home care services.
A not-for-profit provider of home care services with a speciality in dementia care.
A catholic organisation providing home services.
A not-for-profit Christian provider of home care services.
A not-for-profit Christian provider of home care services.
A not-for-profit organisation delivering home care services specialising in cultural and linguistically diverse and dementia programs.
A not-for-profit organisation providing home care services to the community.
A not-for-profit organisation providing home care services to the community.
A home care provider delivering home care services.
A home care provider delivering home care services.
A home care provider led by registered nurses.
A provider of home care services.
A provider of home care services.
Relationship based home care with personally matched CAREGivers.
Relationship based home care with personally matched CAREGivers.
A community controlled, designed and led approach for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander clients.
A not-for-profit provider of home care services.
A provider of in-home aged care services.
A not-for-profit provider of in-home aged care services.
A not-for-profit provider of home care services.
A not-for-profit provider of home care services and residential aged care.
A not-for-profit Christian provider of home care services.
A not-for-profit provider that offers home care services and a specialist Dementia Advisory & Support Service.
A not-for-profit provider that offers home care services and a specialist Dementia Advisory & Support Service.
A not-for-profit provider of home care services.
A not-for-profit Christian provider of aged care services.
A not-for-profit provider of home care services.
A not-for-profit provider of home care services.
A home care provider delivering home care services.
A not-for-profit Christian provider of home care services.
A provider of all levels of permanent and respite care.
A not-for-profit dementia expert provider for community support services and residential aged care.
A not-for-profit dementia expert provider for community support services and residential aged care.
A not-for-profit provider dedicated to delivering residential aged care.
A not-for-profit provider dedicated to delivering residential aged care specialising in dementia units.
A not-for-profit provider dedicated to delivering residential aged care services.
A provider of a number of services for people at home as well as operating residential aged care facilities.
A provider of a number of services for people at home as well as operating residential aged care facilities.
A provider of a number of services for people at home as well as operating residential aged care facilities.
A provider of aged care residential services.
A not-for-profit provider of HomeCare, Short-Term Restorative Care and Wellness services through the Moreton Bay and Brisbane North regions.
A provider of all levels of permanent and respite care.
A provider of all levels of permanent and respite care.
A provider of all levels of permanent and respite care.
A provider of flexible levels of residential care, with a specialised dementia program.
A not-for-profit provider of home care services that operates a number of residential aged care facilities.
A not-for-profit provider of home care services and operates a number of residential aged care facilities.
A not-for-profit provider of home care services and operates a number of residential aged care facilities.
A not-for-profit provider of home care services and operates a number of residential aged care facilities.
A not-for-profit provider of home care services and operates a number of residential aged care facilities.
A not-for-profit provider of home care services and operates a number of residential aged care facilities.
A not-for-profit provider supporting people across home care, retirement living and residential aged care.
A non-for-profit provider supporting people across home care, retirement living and residential aged, delivering
A not-for-profit provider supporting people across home care, retirement living and residential aged care.
A not-for-profit provider supporting people across home care, retirement living and residential aged care.
A care home situated in an inner suburb of Brisbane.
A not-for-profit provider of home care services and residential aged care, with staff trained in dementia care.
A not-for-profit provider of home care services and residential aged care, with staff trained in dementia care.
A not-for-profit provider of home care services and residential aged care, with staff trained in dementia care.
A not-for-profit provider of residential aged care and home care.
A not-for-profit Christian provider of residential aged care.
A not-for-profit Christian provider of home care and residential aged care.
A not-for-profit Christian provider of home care and residential aged care.
A not-for-profit Christian provider of home care and residential aged care.
A provider of aged care residences, including dementia-specific support.
A provider of aged care residences, including dementia-specific support.
A provider of aged care residences, including dementia-specific support.
A provider of aged care residences, including dementia-specific support.
A care home situated in Brisbane North.
A not-for-profit provider of home care services and residential aged care.
A provider of aged care residences.
A provider of aged care residences.
A not-for-profit Christian provider of home care and residential aged care.
Queensland Health managed facilities for complex and high-level residential care services.
Queensland Health managed facilities for complex and high-level residential care services.
A residential community for the elderly with complex care needs and for those living with dementia or younger onset dementia.
A provider of aged care residences, including dementia-specific support.
A provider of aged care residences, including dementia-specific support.
A provider of aged care residences, including dementia-specific support.
A provider of aged care residences, including dementia-specific support.
A not-for-profit provider that offers home care services, residential aged care and a specialist Dementia Advisory & Support Service.
A not-for-profit provider that offers home care services, residential aged care and a specialist Dementia Advisory & Support Service.
A provider of aged care residences, including dementia-specific support.
A provider of aged care residences, including dementia-specific support.
A provider of aged care residences, including dementia-specific support.
A provider of aged care residences, including dementia-specific support.
A provider of aged care residences, including dementia-specific support.
A provider of aged care residences, including dementia-specific support.
A provider of aged care residences, including dementia-specific support.
A provider of aged care residences, including dementia-specific support.
A provider of aged care residences, including dementia-specific support.
A provider of aged care residences, including dementia-specific support.
A provider of aged care residences, including dementia-specific support.
A provider of aged care residences, including dementia-specific support.
A not-for-profit provider of home care services and residential aged care.
A provider of aged care residences, including dementia-specific support.
A not-for-profit Christian provider of aged care and retirement services.
A not-for-profit Christian provider of aged care and retirement services.
A not-for-profit Christian provider of aged care and retirement services.
A not-for-profit Christian provider of aged care and retirement services.
A not-for-profit provider of home care services and residential aged care.
A provider of aged care residences, including dementia-specific support.
A provider of aged care residences, including dementia-specific support.
A provider of aged care residences, including dementia-specific support.
A provider of aged care residences, including dementia-specific support.
A non-for-profit Christian provider of residential aged care.
A not-for-profit Christian provider of residential aged care.
A not-for-profit Christian provider of residential aged care.
A not-for-profit Christian provider of residential aged care.
A not-for-profit Christian provider of residential aged care.
A not-for-profit Christian provider of residential aged care.
A non-for-profit provider of residential aged care, delivering
Queensland Health managed facilities for complex and high-level residential care services.
Centrelink provides information on receiving income support, pensions and other payments from the Australian Government. Centrelink will assess your eligibility for payments or other forms of help. You can contact Centrelink by phone or visit in-person at your local Centrelink office.
A website with information about the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), which is a financial assistance service for people under the age of 65 who have a permanent and significant disability.
My Aged Care is your starting point for accessing Australian Government-funded aged care services. You can find, access and manage government-funded aged care services using the website.
Visit our webpage for financial information and support for carers.
An online search tool to help you to find government support and programs you might be eligible for. Common cards include the Commonwealth Pensioner Concession Card, Commonwealth Health Care Card, Commonwealth Seniors Health Care and Queensland Seniors Card.
A website with information on the healthcare cards that are accessible to veterans and their families. You may be eligible for free or reduced-cost health care and support, as well as discounts on medications, transportation, water bills and power bills.
A website connecting you to the Senior Shopper free phone-shopping service, which assists Seniors Card holders in obtaining the best prices on a variety of goods and services.
A website where you can apply for a yearly non-taxable payment to cover some of the cost of products that help you manage incontinence.
A website where you can apply for a yearly payment to help with energy costs to run medical equipment or medically required heating or cooling.
A service that delivers critical home maintenance to seniors aged 60 and over, as well as those with disabilities of any age. The service can help eligible people stay in their homes, rather than moving to a care facility, by subsidising labour costs or modifications related to health, safety, or security.
A website providing information to home care providers about the supplement that helps the cost of caring for people who have moderate to severe cognitive impairment. Find out about eligibility, how to apply and what to do if circumstances change.
A website discussing living with younger onset dementia for those who wish to keep working.
A website providing information on services for jobseekers with disability who need assistance to find a job and support in the workplace.
A page on our site connecting you to more information about legal matters and future planning. Planning for the future is an important step for you and your family after a diagnosis.
Many companies and organisations offer fee-for-service home care. You don't need an assessment or to speak with My Aged Care, and you can contact organisations directly to find out what care they provide. You choose what services you want to purchase and are responsible for paying the full costs. This option is ideal if you: • need home care services immediately • are looking to specifically tailor your care to meet the exact services you need • are waiting for government funding, but need care services while you wait • are under the age of 65 and not eligible for government funding.
Many companies and organisations offer fee-for-service home care. You can contact organisations directly to find out what care they provide. You choose what services you want to purchase and are responsible for paying the full costs. This option is ideal if you: a) need home care services immediately; b) are looking to specifically tailor your care to meet the exact services you need; c) are waiting for government funding; d) need care services while you wait or are under the age of 65; e) are not eligible for government funding.
A Commonwealth Government program that provides funding for people under the age of 65 with a permanent and significant disability. It connects people living with dementia to reasonable and necessary supports and services to help in daily life. Operates Monday to Friday, 8am–8pm.
A support scheme that can help you maintain independence and connect with the community. Support can be accessed for people under 65 years old who are not eligible for the National Disability Insurance Scheme, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people under 50 years old.
A 24/7 helpline for people with dementia and their families and carers. Speak with a healthcare professional for support, advice and information.
A 24/7 phone service operated by Carer Gateway. Call for help accessing emergency respite. Emergency respite may take up to one week to organise. In an emergency, you may be able to get free or subsidised respite care.
A national charity providing all Australians experiencing emotional distress with access to 24/7 crisis support and suicide prevention services.
A confidential 24/7 mental health service that provides the first point of contact to public mental health services to Queenslanders. The service can provide advice, information and referral.
A document you can read if you'd like a simple overview about Enduring Power of Attorney.
A confidential 24/7 phone service available in Queensland that provides non-urgent medical help health advice from a registered nurse for the cost of a local call.
Call to speak with a registered nurse who can provide health advice and information. Based on your symptoms, the nurse may offer you a phone call or video call from a GP. This service is available 24/7.
A helpline staffed by a team of experienced continence nurse advisors. They provide confidential information, free brochures and referral to local services for people with bladder or bowel control problems. It operates 8am-8pm (AEST and AEDT) Monday to Friday excluding national public holidays.
A community controlled residential aged care facility
An online help sheet that explains incontinence and some of the reasons it may occur for people with dementia. It suggests ways families and carers can manage the problem.
An online National Public Toilet Map that shows the location of public and private facilities across Australia. The map improves independence and quality of life for Australians who are affected by incontinence.
A not-for-profit organisation that gifts service dogs to people in need. Assistance dogs can promote confidence and independence for people living with dementia. They can offer support and companionship when at home or out in the community. Long wait periods apply.
An online summary of your key health information that can be viewed securely online. You can choose to share your health information with your healthcare providers. Advance care planning documents can be uploaded to and stored on your My Health Record.
Free legal and social work support for older persons experiencing elder abuse, mistreatment, neglect or financial exploitation. Operates Monday to Friday, 9am–4.30pm.
Learn how to navigate aged care in Australia and access help at home services through government funding.
Learn how to access help at home services with younger onset dementia and government funding available.
Information about navigating and accessing aged care services in Australia.
A home care provider specialising in aged and dementia care, palliative care, rehabilitation, older person's mental health and younger onset dementia.
A search tool for social activities in Brisbane where you can stay active with other older people in your community. Select your suburb in the search options to find activities near you.
A search tool to help you find opportunities to be more active, more often, through an exciting range of fitness, recreational and sporting activities. Search for activities that suit your age, abilities, location and lifestyle.
A social support group and centre-based respite for people aged over 65 years living in the North Brisbane area. Their services are free for people holding DVA cards. Operates Monday to Friday, 8am-4pm.
Centres that provide activities and social connections for people from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds. The centre provides group-based activities promoting physical exercises, cognitive stimulation and emotional wellbeing. This service is available to those who are eligible for Government funded aged care services.
A membership-based program providing sporting and recreational activities, fitness and art classes, and outings and transportation services, as well as onsite facilities such as a gym, a café, allied health visits, a hair salon and a cafe.
A search tool hosted by the Heart Foundation to help you find walking groups that cater to various walking speeds. Enter your suburb or postcode in the search bar to find walking groups near you.
Senior’s classes at the Queensland Ballet to keep you active, challenge your mind and body, and help you make new friends who share a love of dance. See the schedule and class prices on the link below.
A fitness program for people over 50, with classes to improve mobility, muscular conditioning, balance and flexibility in a supportive and friendly environment. The fitness program is offered at a variety of locations, which you can search from the link below.
A supervised weights and cardio based class for people over 50 to learn the correct technique for gym exercises while improving muscle strength, flexibility and joint pain. You can attend the class from 7am–7.30am on Tuesdays and Fridays.
A over 50s class to enhance fitness and wellbeing, focused on low impact and weight bearing exercises to develop stronger bones and muscles and improve balance.
A membership-based fitness and aquatic centre in Redcliffe, offering reduced membership fees for pension and senior card holders.
A membership-based fitness and aquatic centre in Caboolture, offering reduced membership fees for seniors.
A search tool for social and active programs in Australia. Type your suburb in the search box in the top left corner to find services near you.
An Australian Government article explaining the benefits of exercise for older people with recommendations for staying active.
An article on the healthdirect website that provides information and advice for older people about staying physically active.
Healthengine is a consumer healthcare platform that helps Australians navigate the world of healthcare. You can find a GP or health service in your area and book appointments 24/7. You can search by suburb, practitioner gender, practice billing type, availability of telehealth and more.
A map tool on the healthdirect platform where you can search for GPs. Enter your suburb or postcode in the search box to find GPs near you. You can apply filters to limit the options by practice billing type, availability of telehealth and facilities available.
A centre providing a range of services for people in Brisbane North, including Bribie Island and Kilcoy.
A centre providing a range of services, located at the Caboolture Square Shopping Centre.
A centre providing a range of community health services for people in Redcliffe and surrounding suburbs.
A centre providing a range of services for people in Brisbane North, located at The Prince Charles Hospital.
A centre providing a range of community health services for people in Nundah and surrounding suburbs.
A centre providing a range of community health services for people in Pine Rivers, with a focus on the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community.
A webpage by My Aged Care explaining what Home Care Packages are and how you can use them.
A program offering fee-for-service Home Care Package management support.
An Australia-wide search tool to help you locate service providers in your area.
A program that arranges volunteers to visit older people to provide friendship and companionship. Visits are available to anyone receiving government-subsidised residential aged care or Home Care Packages.
A government website with information and resources you can access if you or someone know is experiencing elder abuse.
A guide to recognising red flags for potential current and/or future elder abuse while talking to older people over the phone.
Caxton Legal Centre provide a free legal and social work support service for older persons experiencing elder abuse including mistreatment, neglect or financial exploitation. Operates Monday to Friday, 9am–5pm.
A guide to legal services providing support with elder abuse and their referral pathways.
A search tool to help you find cost information for a range of specialist medical services in Australia. Scroll, click ‘Start now’ and answer the survey questions so it can find accurate information about the service you need.
A provider offering a range of allied health services to the community, providing quality treatment and healthcare.
An allied health services provider offering a range of services, including occupational therapy, exercise physiology, podiatry and much more.
A place where people with dementia and carers can be themselves, share stories, discover helpful hints or simply enjoy the food and great company.
Australia’s first not-for-profit law firm providing services in family law and financial management.
An organisation providing free legal advice and other supporting services.
A Queensland Government-funded organisation providing help to financially disadvantaged people with legal problems including family and domestic violence, consumer rights, family law, and anti-discrimination.
A membership-based pool and fitness centre in Caboolture, offering reduced membership fees for seniors.
A 24/7 helpline available to anyone in Australia. Speak to a trained Crisis Support Worker over the phone, any time of the day or night.
A free nationwide service providing 24/7 telephone and online counselling to people affected by suicide.
There are several organisations that provide support and education for people with mental illness and their families and carers. Healthdirect has compiled list of the main groups you can call.
A telephone and online counselling service offering support for Australian men anywhere, anytime.
A program providing specialist treatment for people over the age of 65 who have a mental illness. You can access the service through the mental health support helpline below.
A free and confidential service providing online assessment and phone counselling with a trained counsellor for help with anxiety, depression and other conditions. You don't need a referral. This service is for anyone 18 years and older.
E-Mental Health in Practice (eMHprac) has compiled list of easily accessible e-mental health services across a range of areas that can help manage your mental health.
A free, confidential national search tool and telephone line linking people with mental health advice, services, supports and resources from some of Australia’s most trusted mental health organisations.
A search tool to help you find alcohol and other drug support services in Queensland. Select ‘Metro North’ from the Hospital and Health Service region filter.
A hub of web, tablet and mobile enabled programs covering a range of mental health symptoms such as anxiety, depression, PTSD, insomnia and benzodiazepine dependence, as well as programs providing services specific to LGBQ people.
A map providing information about free mental health, suicide prevention, and alcohol and other drug treatment services available in the North Brisbane and Moreton Bay regions.
An organisation providing a range of free mental health support services. Services include and online peer support community, online counselling and mental health coaching.
Community Mental Health teams provide mental health assessment and treatment services to people aged 18 years in Chermside, Nundah and Pine Rivers.
A provider offering free psychological services for residents of aged care facilities in Brisbane North and Moreton Bay.
A counselling service for Queenslanders providing family and relationship counselling and other specialist counselling services. The Senior Relationship Services is specific to older people. Pension card holders may be eligible for subsidised sessions.
Anglicare provide a range of counselling services for individuals, couples and families. They specialise in family and relationships, domestic and family violence, and alcohol and other drugs counselling. Service fees are based on individual circumstances and pensioners and war veterans may be eligible for the free service.
A search tool to help you find registered psychologists. Type your suburb in the search box to find psychologists near you.
A search tool to help you find psychiatrists. Type your suburb in the search box to find psychiatrists near you. It also includes information about service costs and various mental health conditions and treatments.
A free drop-in centre where people who are doing it tough can find practical support, friendship and dignity.
A range of free, confidential community programs across Queensland, helping people deal with alcohol and other drug problems and move forward in life.
A search tool to help you find mental health services delivered by Stride, by location or service type, so you can find the right service for you. Some of their costs are supported by NDIS.
A support program for older people experiencing social isolation and mental health decline as a result of COVID-19. You can access the services through Home Care Packages and Commonwealth Home Support Program funding.
An annual camp in Brisbane where widowed people can spend time together, encouraging and supporting each other in their grief journeys. The camp requires registration, which is subsidised by fundraising and costs $245 per attendee.
A search tool to help you find the right support group for you. Type your suburb or the kind of group you’re looking for in the search bar, or scroll through the directory.
A network that hosts group meetings where older women find social connection and support in Mitchelton, Bribie Island, Lutwyche and Morayfield. Membership costs $20 per year.
Find a Men’s Shed group near you. Men’s Sheds provide a safe space for men to meet and talk about their emotions. Each shed is different—they often meet regularly to engage with their shared interests.
A directory providing information about senior clubs and social groups who meet regularly for fellowship, fun and friendship. Enter your suburb or postcode into the search box to find groups near you.
A digital platform you can access if you are experiencing a personal crisis, contemplating suicide or caring for someone in crisis. Regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, religion or sexual orientation, the trained Crisis Supporters are ready to listen without passing judgement and to provide support and referrals.
A service providing a free daily telephone call to check on your wellbeing, if you’re at risk of an accident and illness that may go unnoticed—such as falling and being unable to ask for help.
Forums where you can chat with other people who understand your experience, with health professionals in the background to make sure everything is safe and supportive.
An online resource posting all MBS updates, so you can keep up with any changes.
An initiative helping people access mental health professionals using Medicare rebates.
A program providing vulnerable and disadvantaged communities with better access to mental health support and GPs with more patient referral options.
A variety of online resources with a focus on social and emotional wellbeing for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
Black Dog Institute have put together a collection of social and emotional wellbeing resources for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
Carers Queensland provides information about services and organisations that support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander carers.
A resource supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples with a holistic view of mental health and social and emotional wellbeing.
Advice and guidance to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples for managing their mental health and wellbeing.
A free support and information helpline for finding aid, assistance and mental health services in your language. This is a Queensland-wide service for people from multicultural backgrounds whose lives have been affected by COVID-19.
Multicultural community workers undertake advocacy and community activities for the benefit of Queenslanders from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds and to strengthen multiculturalism across the state.
A search tool to help you find cultural and migrant services in the North Brisbane community. Type your suburb or postcode in the search box to find services near you.
A program is delivered to people from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds to offer culturally safe and tailored structured psychological interventions for people with mild to moderate mental illness.
A list of support services for all carers, with some additional services for specific groups, such as parents and grandparents, older and younger carers, and carers from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.
A national support service funded by the Australian Government providing practical information and advice, services and support, free counselling and coaching, and connection with other carers through a community forum. In Queensland, the service is delivered by Wellways Australia. Operates Monday to Sunday, 6am–10pm.
An organisation offering a wide range of free services and programs to people with mental health support needs as well as their families and carers. Carers can talk with someone for advice, information and support.
An organisation providing resources to support carers who are caring for a person with a mental illness.
An organisation providing practical resources and information to help you feel confident supporting loved ones experiencing mental health concerns, while looking after yourself. Some services involve Medicare benefits to help you pay for appointments, depending on your referral pathway.
A free app that helps you coordinate care so you can rely on your community to help you care for your person with needs, and also support your mental wellbeing by sharing the load.
A helpline diverting to professionals who can listen, provide information and advice, and point you in the right direction so you can seek further support, for the cost of a local call.
An organisation supporting carers providing end of life care, including through their diversity project, running from 2020–2023, which makes their service more accessible to diverse groups of carers.
An online training course developing community awareness, death literacy and community capacity related to palliative care by providing high quality and easy-to-understand courses.
An online forum where carers can talk about their experiences and support each other.
A free, face-to-face service that connects carers with coaches to assist in managing the ongoing challenges of the caring role. This program is individualised to support the differing needs of carers including mental health and wellbeing. In Queensland, Wellways Australia runs this program.
A phone service that connects you with a coach to assist in creating a plan based on your life goals. They also offer training, education, volunteering and employment services at no cost.
An organisation offering respite and emergency respite accommodation, and providing unique wellness programs to support the emotional, physical and mental wellbeing of unpaid carers. Programs are available at no cost to eligible unpaid carers.
A community participation service provider running a variety of social group outings and activities where people can stay social and active, including day trips for fishing and short-term respite.
A centre providing various low-cost activities to South East Queensland residents who are over 50. The activities are held in the basement level of Brisbane City Hall.
A not-for-profit organisation running regular social fishing events across southeast Queensland.
A search tool for social and active programs in Australia. Type your suburb in the search box in the top left corner of the page to find services near you.
A program helping older Queenslanders improve their community connections and reduce social isolation. The program is currently accessible by older people who live in Gympie and Sunshine Coast.
A tip sheet to help manage feelings of loneliness.
A social group program run for people widowed by wars, where they can connect through meetings, activities and friendship. Membership costs $25 per year.
Volunteering Australia provides opportunities and resources to help you start volunteering, which is a great way to make meaningful social connections with people.
A Facebook page run by the Queensland Government sharing information and resources for seniors.
A Facebook page helping seniors keep in touch with family and friends and stay safe online. They provide one-on-one support with computers and the internet.
A free social connection program that enhances the lives of seniors by supporting them to be happy, healthy and socially active. Participants video chat with friendly volunteers on a regular basis for social interaction and companionship. The program suits first time digital technology users by providing all participants with an easy-to-use mobile device.
A for-purpose organisation providing free legal advice and other key supporting services for women, accessible through a variety of pathways.
An article explaining how malnutrition occurs and impacts older Australians, to help you identify malnutrition.
An article outlining the impact of malnutrition in Australia and providing insight into the causes of malnutrition and how to identify the symptoms.
An article explaining how food and mood are linked, encouraging readers to eat food that boosts their mental health.
A food selection guide visually representing the proportions of the five food groups recommended for consumption each day.
An article with dietary guidelines for older people.
An article with in-depth insight and advice about the nutritional needs of people over 60.
A fact sheet providing information about eating well and ageing well.
A digital resource where you can collect your favourite online recipes together as a personalised recipe book.
An organisation supporting people with diabetes through prevention and management resources, services and research. The website lists information about dieting and nutrition for people with diabetes.
A webpage with information about seeing a dietitian, including costs and referral requirements.
A growing network of community gardens and city farms around Australia, providing residents with places to meet and grow healthy food in their neighbourhoods.
An organisation providing meals, food hampers, toiletries and other essential support during times of hardship.
A map of food relief programs to help disadvantaged people find access food.
A search tool to help you find food relief services near you. The website also has search tools for various other types of charity services.
A search tool to help you find food vans and kitchens providing food relief for those in need of support.
A search tool to help you find neighbourhood and community centres, which provide friendly, localised access to individual, family and community services.
A search tool to help you find pharmacies, where you can access nutritional supplements and other medication support for your nutritional needs.
A search tool to help you find your local Meals on Wheels service and sign up to receive meals. Meals on Wheels provide and deliver meals to people with a variety of support needs. The meals are sold at production cost price, ranging from $4.50–$12 depending on the service.
A subscription-based service delivering healthy, ready-made meals. Lite n’ Easy is co-funded by the government, so if you can use NDIS or home care package funding to purchase meals.
A glossary of online terms prepared by the government so you can understand terminology while you use the internet.
An in-depth glossary of cyber terms prepared by the government to help you understand terminology while you purchase, use and manage technology and stay safe online.
A 24/7 virtual assistant that can help you with general questions about using myGov.
A website providing Australians with information on receiving income support, pensions and other payments from Centrelink.
A free technology training program run in one-hour one-on-one sessions where you can ask as many questions as you like.
A range of free technology workshops and sessions run by the Brisbane City Council libraries for people of all ages and skill levels.
A range of free technology workshops and sessions run by the Moreton Bay Regional Libraries for people of all ages and skill levels, plus one-to-one device advice sessions. You can type your suburb in the search box to find classes and events near you.
An Australian Government initiative to help build the confidence, digital skills and online safety of Australians. Access free learning resources and find details of community organisations offering free computer classes.
A computer lesson program for people aged over 50, to help you learn how to use computers, tablets and smartphones. Lessons can be undertaken in your home or at a local library, on a variety of topics. You need to pay for an annual membership to receive lessons.
A digital mentoring service for seniors who would like to build confidence using digital communications technology. Sessions are conducted weekly with a friendly volunteer, using a mix of telephone calls and screen sharing technology from the comfort of your own home.
A search tool for social and active programs in Australia. Type your suburb in the search box in the top left corner of the page to find services near you.
A Queensland Government website providing information about telehealth, how to use it, appointment advice and frequently asked questions. For technical support contact the Telehealth Service Desk on 1800 066 888.
An explanation of how Telehealth works, which services provide it and how you pay for it.
A step-by-step guide for creating a home network to connect your home entertainment, office equipment and smart appliances.
A website where you can compare the prices of the internet brands servicing your area, so you can find the right internet plan for you.
A webpage about the Queensland Police Service’s website outlining what scams are and how to protect yourself from them.
A webpage with contact information for any police needs you may have, including reporting cybercrime.
A government website providing resources to help you identify scams, protect yourself from them and report them.
A government website explaining how to report a scam.
A webpage for seniors providing information on how to use the internet securely.
A book published by the Australian Competition & Consumer Commission to help people to look out for scams and know where to find help if needed.
Information for Queenslanders about the effects of age on driving and advice about the requirement for everyone 75 years and over to carry a current medical certificate to drive.
A government-funded scheme providing financial support for transport services. The amount you can receive varies depending on your eligibility and needs.
A 24/7 crisis support service. Anyone in Australia can speak to a trained Crisis Support Worker over the phone or online, any time of the day or night.
A 24/7 advisory service and specialist mobile clinical support for challenging dementia-related behaviours. This service supports people with a dementia diagnosis, their carers and health professionals in all regions of Queensland.
Energex provide a 24/7 telephone service to call if you have lost power or are experiencing electricity supply problems.
A free case management service in Queensland providing assistance to those at risk of or experiencing elder abuse, through individualised support and referral. Operates Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm and Saturdays, 10am to 4pm.
A webpage outlining what you can do to prevent and prepare for power outages.
A legal firm specialised in providing Veterans and their families with access to quality legal services. They are based in Clontarf.
A free and confidential 24/7 counselling helpline for veterans and their families. Open Arms also provides treatment programs and workshops, a community and peer support program and self help tools.
A program providing extra assistance to people with different accessibility needs, including those living with disability, older people and people who are injured or ill.
A journey planner and timetables to help you reach your destination via public transport in Queensland. Translink also has an app you can download.
A guide to help you plan and prepare healthier meals at home.
A suicide postvention program, initiated by the Australian Government, dedicated to assisting people and communities bereaved or impacted by suicide. StandBy is available 24/7 through face-to-face and telephone support.
An organisation providing anonymous and free LGBTI peer support and referral for people in Australia wanting to talk about sexuality, identity, gender, bodies, feelings or relationships.
Compass is an elder abuse navigation website delivered by Elder Abuse Action Australia. The website provides information and resources to understand, prevent and respond to elder abuse and has a tool to find service providers.
ADA Australia provides a legal and advocacy service for adults with guardianship and administration matters as well as enduring powers of attorney and advance health directives.
Contact SES from anywhere in Queensland for non-life threatening flood and storm emergency assistance during severe weather events.
Brisbane City Council offers seniors a wide variety of activities through specialised programs and events. From events in libraries through to performances and workshops there is plenty on offer for seniors in Brisbane.
A search tool for social activities in Moreton Bay where you can stay active with other people in your community. Select 'health wellness & lifestyle' and 'suburb' from the category search options to find activities near you.
An App for carers, families and careworkers that provides information and support for people in their role of caring for persons with behavioural changes that can occur in dementia.
An app developed to provide guidance for clinicians in their role of assisting residential aged care facility staff, community care staff and family members caring for persons living with dementia, who present with behavioural and psychological symptoms.
This website provides helpful information about coping with dementia and sight loss.
Information about how food and drink affect mental health.